awesome - you already know that; nice seeing you over here!
2011 02 19 06:10 |
2011 02 19 06:09 |
grazi uodega:)
2011 01 30 07:54 |
Thank you, Vaidute!!
2010 12 19 01:14 |
5- imk petaka; grazus kaimas!!
2010 12 05 06:00 |
2010 12 05 05:59 |
.. abstract; precise; sophisticated.
2010 12 05 05:55 |
5+++ for being 'brave'
2010 10 22 05:56 |
just kidding..
congrats; BRAVO!! lol
ps.. but take a look in a mirror anyway,..
2010 10 22 05:55 |
you look overly aged and ,... U....
take a shover,.. and have a clean shave,... and...
check with your MD..
2010 10 22 05:53 |
2010 10 21 06:19 |
what lens? aperture?
2010 10 21 06:19 |
2010 10 17 08:53 |
special dedication
2010 10 17 08:52 |
Pardon; double post again.. LOL
-- not my fault; all blame on your server:((
2010 10 17 04:21 |
/16 hmm,.. in pic 2-- is that a crop from a wider image?
which film? I been shooting with film for over 30yrs.
Never happen to me... to that extend. Just curious...
I also put that into your private email -- not sure if you are comfortable discussing this on here... everyone is so sensitive these days...
2010 10 17 04:19 |
/16 hmm,.. in pic 2-- is that a crop from a wider image?
which film? I been shooting with film for over 30yrs.
Never happen to me... to that extend. Just curious...
I also put that into your private email -- not sure if you are comfortable discussing this on here... everyone is so sensitive these days...
2010 10 17 04:19 |
2010 10 17 04:07 |
try b/w;
2010 10 16 07:11 |
what happen to the color?
... :((
2010 10 16 07:11 |
focus problems??
and in ... 2-3-7.. aperture ... ;)
keep trying...!
2010 10 16 07:08 |
Congrats; really nice job. Thank you for sharing with us!
-aBs, NYC
2010 10 14 04:42 |
& so hilarious... love it!!!
2010 10 09 08:38 |
what's with the color?
sepia/non -sepia...
.......seems so oxygen deprived...??
2010 10 09 06:49 |
same, ... as one after/before
2010 10 09 06:47 |
2010 10 09 06:46 |
what a great catch...!!!
2010 10 09 06:45 |
lol.. do they have 420 in LT?
2010 10 09 06:44 |
2010 10 09 01:35 |
super! =5
2010 10 03 07:06 |
2010 10 03 07:06 |
2010 10 02 20:23 |
2010 10 02 20:22 |
poor thing.. got zipped:)) lol
2010 10 02 06:56 |
the beauty's secrete is simplicity...
like this pic =5
2010 10 02 05:19 |
thank you!!
2010 10 02 05:17 |
Greta .. is that right?? Taken same day?
That one was is probably the best:
2010 10 02 05:07 |
2010 10 01 07:56 |
2010 10 01 07:56 |
2010 10 01 07:55 |
2010 10 01 07:54 |
2010 10 01 07:54 |
2010 10 01 07:54 |
2010 10 01 07:53 |
2010 10 01 07:53 |
I think, I remeber that place; and ,... who cares where is it... LOL;))
Love the depiction,.. and the mood. Thanks Algirdas for sharing that!!
2010 10 01 06:26 |
2010 09 28 07:59 |
2010 09 28 07:56 |
this is really great!!
.. not too many I've seen with Vilnius
2010 09 28 07:56 |
Gorgeous!! =5
2010 09 27 03:59 |
2010 09 27 03:43 |
Congrats; great shot!!
Love b/w - so clastic.
2010 09 27 03:43 |
heavy, ... indistinguishably complex.
2010 09 25 07:16 |
the catch :)
= wonderful.
2010 09 25 06:48 |
simple. no 'plastic'!!;
= 5
2010 09 25 06:45 |
tip: concentrate on focus point:)
2010 09 25 06:43 |
the eyes = 5
2010 09 25 06:42 |
love it;
p.s. thought about b/w ?
2010 09 25 06:40 |
thanks for all comments !!
it's 50 story, 210m tall; pic was taken standing below in the mid/ center/ upward view; one of the mot notable aesthetic attributes of this building is the concave vertical slope of its north and south facades that gives you that 'flow impression' and at the same time makes it difficult to photograph (considering inevitable crop losses/ technical aberrations); so you have to chose on what to loose:)
2010 09 24 18:59 |
thanks for sharing with us.
2010 09 24 18:34 |
Love b/w -- the real classic!
2010 09 24 18:31 |
very nice concept...
2010 09 24 08:25 |
great in general; & there were few inside that are xx-great; so= 5 for you!!
I won't tell you which ones-- you'll have to figured out yourself:))
Congrats; always pleasure to stop buy..
2010 09 24 07:29 |
sorry for the typo; capture
2010 09 24 06:17 |
very nice caprute
2010 09 24 06:16 |
it's done... :)
2010 09 22 08:49 |
2010 09 22 07:41 |
I want that for my screen saver;
2010 09 22 07:39 |
look tired; :) +++++
2010 09 22 05:32 |
Melting away... soothing fragility.
Love the idea!!
p.s. some more comments in your private email box.
2010 09 22 05:19 |
2010 09 20 05:41 |
so, I see,--- I am not alone, drawn by that... lol
2010 09 20 05:41 |
Speechless = 5:-))
P.s: thank you for bringing this to life!!
2010 09 20 04:31 |
Thank you all for the comments; that was one my very first macro pics/test drive for a new lens. I have to admit that the color distortion was really minimal - just converted from RAW, almost unedited.
2010 09 20 02:36 |
wow;-- that's a lot; a very impressive harvest!!
2010 09 20 02:30 |
Great; = 5;
I wish to see this in b/w.
2010 09 20 02:27 |
I truly love your approach to lighting!
2010 09 20 02:25 |
Soft; simple = priceless moment.
p.s. You always find such beautiful faces!!
2010 09 20 02:23 |
look familiar..:)
2010 09 20 02:20 |
new look;
2010 09 20 02:19 |
it's so miniature .. a bit off /or a about the size of your '1centas'...
2010 09 18 12:19 |
great observation and comment.
The light trail,... are the real cars passing by, .. catching the 'light'... & Ms, 'hana-an',--- you have an awesome/ intelligent eye!!;-p
2010 09 18 12:04 |
2010 09 18 09:53 |
where is that?
2010 09 18 09:51 |
great photo.. remeber that when I was a kid
2010 09 18 09:50 |
It is very hard to manipulate the depth/ multiple objects and constant move.
I like it. Great try.
Lens? Aperture?
2010 09 18 09:48 |
lol,... was about to ask,.. how d'h these 2 ended up in LT...
well, later I noticed Chicago.. :))
2010 09 18 09:42 |
2010 09 18 09:39 |
for some reason,... it always looks different...
2010 09 18 09:38 |
love panoramic views
2010 09 18 09:33 |
wow, ,.. wish we'd had clouds like that...
2010 09 18 09:27 |
great focus -- nice set of eyes!!
2010 09 18 09:26 |
nice view; very nice!!
2010 09 18 09:24 |
2010 09 18 09:21 |
2010 09 18 09:20 |
2010 09 18 09:06 |
fruit acid help to fight rust.. so have some 'vysnios..'
2010 09 18 09:05 |
2010 09 18 09:04 |
love the idea
2010 09 18 09:03 |
2010 09 18 08:59 |